
Strategic Dialogue between the United States and Iraq during the Biden era

Dr. Asaad Kazem Shabib

The Iraqi side, represented by the Iraqi government, held a new negotiating dialogue with the United States of America through electronic platforms in early April. The first rounds of strategic dialogue between Baghdad and Washington were held last June, while the second was held during August 2020.  These dialogues come in an attempt to complete the agreement of what is known as the strategic framework that was signed by the American and Iraqi side, and this tour was led by the Iraqi Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein, while the United States was represented by Anthony Blinken, Minister of Foreign Affairs in the administration of President Biden.  The Iraqi delegation included representatives of the Kurdistan Regional Government.  After the dialogue concluded, the two sides issued a joint statement, the most important characteristic of which is that it was written Iin a diplomatic manner, and was concerned with the general agreed upon issues.  Among the most important paths referred to in the statement was the following:

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