Education and Society

Ayatollah seyyed ali al-sistani, islamic realism, peace and security in iraq

Group of Researchers

Explaining the research problem: the defunct iraqi ba›ath party has always been very sensitive to and strongly opposes political activities.  Therefore, it is noted that the activities of religious references are limited only to the internal fields and the affairs of religious seminaries.  From this perspective, ayatollah sayyid al-sistani has practically entered the political arena since the us occupation of iraq in march 2003, and initially gave advice to iraqi officials and citizens.  His eminence’s policy in this passage of time is based on the necessity of establishing a civil government in iraq, knowing that he believes that the civil government is the one that aims at a political and social solution that provides conditions and an atmosphere in which people can live together in security and peace, and that every religion can practice its rituals and rights in complete freedom.  This article aims to know and analyze the approach of this great reference in leading the political process towards peace and peaceful coexistence among the various ethnic groups, parties and religious groups in iraqi society.

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