Al-Baidar News

Al-Baidar Center for Studies and Planning holds a symposium entitled “Paths of Democratic Transition in South Africa and Iraq: Lessons Learned and the Way Forward.”

As part of its periodic activities, Al-Baidar Center for Studies and Planning held its dialogue symposium (paths of democratic transformation in South Africa and Iraq and lessons learned) on February 12, 2022. The center hosted Dr. Hisham Al-Alawi, the former Iraqi ambassador to South Africa, and he is currently the head of the Human Rights Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Ambassador Al-Alawi reviewed the experience of South Africa during the period of apartheid and the violation of human rights, the paths of change that took place after that, and the beginning of the transition towards building a democratic state whose standard is the citizen and the elimination of the dark period that South Africa experienced. In his speech, Al-Alawi referred to the most important challenges and obstacles that faced the democratic experience In South Africa, which is in the process of establishing a new political system, writing a constitution, affirming human rights, addressing issues such as transitional justice and building institutions consistent with the new political system, it ended with a set of results and lessons that can be learned from, especially in the experience of building the new Iraqi state The attendees made some interventions and questions about the themes of the subject, especially with regard to the points of similarity and difference between the Iraqi and South African experiences.



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