Education and Society

How High-Involvement Work Practices (HIWPs), Leadership and Job Crafting Influence Nurse’ Innovative Work Behavior

Joather Alwali
Purpose – This study determines the effects of high-involvement work practices (HIWPs) and servant leadership (SL) on job crafting (JC). It also investigates the effect of job crafting (JC) on innovative work behavior (IWB). It further examines the mediating role of job crafting (JC) in the relationship between HIWPs and innovative work behavior (IWB), as well as between servant leadership (SL) and innovative work behavior (IWB) based on self-determination theory (SDT) and conservation of resources theory (COR).
Design/methodology/approach – Data were collected in two waves with a one-week interval (Time 1 and Time 2) from 138 nurses from seven public hospitals in Baghdad through survey design. The data analysis was done through Structural Equation Modelling using Smart Partial Least Squares (PLS).
Findings – This study reveals that HIWPs, and servant leadership (SL) have significant effects on job crafting (JC), while job crafting has a significant relationship with innovative work behavior (IWB). It also shows that job crafting (JC) has a significant mediating role in the relationship between HIWPs and innovative work behavior (IWB). Finally, the relationship between servant leadership (SL) and innovative work behavior (IWB) is significantly mediated by job crafting (JC).
Originality/ value – This study contributes to the extant literature by revealing the direct effects of job crafting (JC) on innovative work behavior (IWB). It further unveils the mediating effect of job crafting (JC) on the nexus between HIWPs and innovative work behavior (IWB), as well as between servant leadership (SL) and innovative work behavior (IWB). This mediating effect has been overlooked in the empirical literature.

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