Al-Baidar News

Al-Baidar Center for Studies and Planning discusses the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict on Iraq in an interactive session

As part of its periodic activities, Al-Baidar Center for Studies and Planning held an interactive session under the title “The Russian-Ukrainian Conflict and its Impact on Iraq,” especially the economic and political implications.

Where Dr. Mudhhar Mohammad Salih, Advisor of the Prime Minister, presented an economic vision of the potential impacts on Iraq, and Dr. Osama Al-Saidi, Chairman of the Political Science Association, gave a brief explanation of the nature of the raging conflict between Russia and Ukraine and its repercussions at the international and Arab levels and its impact on the Iraqi situation. The session was attended by a group of researchers and those interested in the topic under discussion.

The various opinions, ideas and discussions presented by the attendees can be summarized in several points:

  • The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has deep historical, geographic and political backgrounds and dimensions, and is not a matter of the moment.
  • The conflict will have different effects, whether at the political level and the global system, or at the economic level, especially in the oil, gas and food sectors.
  • There is no doubt that this conflict will have its effects on the international level and international organizations, as well as on the regional and Arab levels, and Iraq is certainly not an exception to these effects.
  • Iraq will be one of the countries that will be affected by the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and this reflection may be positive on the one hand, represented by the oil sector and its export and high prices, While the negative on the other hand, represented by the goods and materials that imports from Russia and Ukraine, such as steel, grain and other materials which prices have witnessed a noticeable increase.
  • The effects of the ongoing conflict on Iraq are not only economic, but there is a political influence, even though Iraq is not considered one of the great power or large countries in the world, but this does not prevent the possible effects and determine its position in light of the international conflict and political alignment in light of a moving and changing world and may witness the birth of a new global order.
  • The Iraqi state, represented by the government and the rest of the institutions concerned, has the responsibility to follow up on the current situation in the world and the region, to study it carefully, to put forward all possible options that will occur in the near or medium future, and to determine the role required of Iraq according to the balance of the country’s supreme national interest at all levels, away from improvisation, diligence, and haste in Dealing with events and situations taking place in the world and the region.



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